No more ERASMUS?

There were articles in two of the UK broadsheet newspapers today: the Telegraph and the Guardian suggesting that there may be some problems with UK schools and institutions getting involved in future ERASMUS schemes as a result of the Brexit vote.

This would be a disaster if it was the case.

A look at the projects that were given funding this year alone shows thousands of school pupils who are benefitting from it.

I am involved in 2 major projects: the GeoCapabilities and the GI Learner project (the latter with my school as a partner) which has allowed me to meet and work with teachers, academics and young people from across the EU and beyond...
I have just returned from a week in Portugal working with Turkish colleagues, which was excellent, and funded by ERASMUS, and we also have the MOOS project at school as well as other teacher exchanges that colleagues are involved with.

ERASMUS will continue of course, but UK students, teachers and academics may be denied from taking part in these exchanges which bring so much value with them. I expect that MFL teachers may notice this more than other subjects as the majority of UK education projects in the list seem to be about language teaching.

Not sure what we can do about this, but educators can blog about the value of their involvement and no doubt some concerted social media effort and hashtag will emerge in time as the picture becomes clearer...
