Google Expeditions and VR

Google is heading into VR research, by funding projects exploring the value of VR headsets and associated imagery.

At the moment, tours are written by Google, and include points of interest which connect with imagery.

The Google Expeditions app is now available for iOS as well as Android. It allows for one device on a network to act as the 'tour guide' and for the other devices to be the 'tourists'. This means that they can be guided through the locations at a pace dictated by the guide, who can see where they are 'looking'. Importantly, the devices that are being used can be either iOS or Android or a mix, and the tour will still work.

Thanks to Shailey Minocha and Ana Tudor from the Open University for coming into my school twice with the technology and working with students...

Richard Allaway has been exploring this area, and presented on it at the GA Teachmeet. He has now added some ideas to his website, which try to tackle the problem of how to produce your own experiences for students...

He's presenting on this at the Practical Pedagogies event in Toulouse in November which I shall be attending, and presenting at...
