Teachmeet at the RGS - Part 1

Yesterday was the second Teachmeet to be hosted at the Royal Geographical Society.
Although it was at the 'home of Geography' and had a Geography theme, it was open to anyone, and was well attended, although not all the original speakers and attendees were there for various reasons. The event took place in the Education Room at the RGS. If you would like to see the presentations from most of the speakers, they are in a Dropbox here.

When I was travelling there, I had an e-mail to say that David Rogers was unfortunately ill, and unable to attend, so I was asked to step in and keep the event running and organise all the speakers, keep the timings etc.
I'll write about the sessions a little more as we go through in a few more blog posts...

Here are details of the speakers and their presentations.

Dan Raven Ellison started off by talking about some of his recent (and past) projects, and his work on the Greater London National Park.

Andrew Boardman: 'What's the point of hexagons?'

Richard Maurice tried to distill teaching down to just 7 words, based on a book by Michael Pollan on Food Rules

Liz Bentley-Pattison explored some new ideas for fieldwork

Ben Crockett described how he supports people with their case study diagrams

I was up next, with a brief version of my Power of Geographical Information presentation that I had led in Toulouse last week. This one lasted 5 minutes rather than 50...

Ewan Laurie described how Google see the world

Alice Griffiths talked about Changing places, connected with the idea of play and children's literature

Richard Treves spoke about some of the work that he has been doing with Google and their tools for teachers.

and finally

Andrew Caffrey had been outside of the main room with a load of Google Cardboard headsets, and he spoke about Google Expeditions.

You can view the presentations by accessing this Dropbox folder.

Thanks to everyone who came along to listen, and to those who offered presentations. I look forward to the next one...
