Early films released by the RGS

As a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, I'm well aware of the amazing archives that they hold, from expeditions dating back well over 100 years. I've been fortunate enough to see some of these special items, as a special privilege for those receiving an award. From Livingstone's hat, to Shackleton's stove, I've seen quite a few of them. There are also the amazing images taken of Shackleton's famous expedition.
There have been several previous projects to unleash these archives onto the public, usually when funding has been made available in some way. These include image archives of Everest, for example.

The BBC reported yesterday on a new release of black and white films made of some of the earliest explorations.
The films were made in the early part of the 20th Century and provide an amazing insight into these early explorations.
Watch a documentary here which describes the project to digitally enhance the movies, and then make them available more widely.

You will need to go to the BFI Player to watch the films apparently.

I haven't been able to find the collection at the moment. Can anyone guide me to it?

As a BFI subscriber, I'm aware of the excellent films that are available to watch there, either free of charge, or for a small fee per film.
