The Sound of the Suburbs?

I've been "finishing off" a resource today for Anne le Brocq of Exeter University, to accompany her excellent Ice Flows Game. 
I've been deep into sea level rise, Larsen C calving an iceberg, and the formation of ice on a large scale.

My next project to finish is for the Royal Geographical Society. It's well underway, and just needs some tidying up over the next few week, along with some work on coastal landforms and processes to accompany it. It's about the suburbs, and earlier on I asked on various social media for impressions of the suburbs as a location, a space, and a cultural phenomenon...

Thanks to those who offered their thoughts... The diagram will be used for illustrative purposes, and to prompt a little discussion...
I've also started to collate a Spotify playlist, so if anyone has any suggestions for songs inspired by the suburbs let me know... I have quite a few already...
