
Thanks to a parent, Mr. Fordham, who has sent me some drone videos. I have uploaded them to Vimeo for sharing, and will be part of a resource I've just finished writing for the Royal Geographical Society (I'll let you know when it goes onto the website)
Hunstanton Cliffs from Alan Parkinson on Vimeo.

Last weekend I was in Loose's in Norwich, which is a large antique and collectables place, with hundreds of stalls and areas, and a plethora of 'stuff' that you never knew you needed.
I came across a great 1950s (ish) brochure for Hunstanton, with some great vintage images and ads from a time when the town had a pier, and a lot more of note than it does now...
The cliffs were still there and stripy...

Will share a few images from the booklet in the New Year, to go along with the launch of the resource on the website.

 Image: Copyright: Ian Ward - as seen in OCR Textbook materials
