Ecolint: Water Security Session #1 : Thinking things through

Water Security and Scarcity is a growing issue for the world, and in particular for cities such as Cape Town, which recently faced a countdown to Day Zero, when water was going to be rationed for its 4 million+ inhabitants.

I'm going to be talking about this at an IB Geography Conference on Possibilities which has been organised by Richard Allaway.

It's taken a lot of thinking to get to the point where I currently am with my workshop, and will crack on with that over the next few days. 
I'll share the outcomes after the event. There's an element of gamification, and the idea of futures as being Possible, Probable and Preferable...

Here's some videos that are shaping my thinking...

 Also a Good Magazine version is: I shall be using Cape Town as a place context, so here's a video
