National Parks: pressure on their distinctive landscapes

There has been a great deal of interest in the proposal to make London the first National Park City.
More traditional National Parks are also placing increasing pressures.

In 2010, the South Downs were designated as a National Park, and the GA were involved at the time in producing the Education Pack for the new NPA.
In 2015, the Broads Authority was designated. This was particularly aimed at increasing tourism, but there were some who were concerned about the potential impact on local businesses.

The ONS released a useful report on the population dynamics of National Parks following the 2011 Census.
It can be downloaded as a PDF.

There are some additional pressures on these areas.
The population in National Parks is often older than other parts of the country, and this can cause issues for small rural communities.

Image: Hope Valley Cement works - Alan Parkinson, cc licensed
