GA Secondary Committee - a new Facebook page

At the weekend, during our SPC meeting (the GA's Secondary Phase Committee), we recognised that a lot of people are members of Facebook groups to support them with their GCSE and 'A' level teaching. These have thousands of members and some excellent sharing going on.
We decided we should have our own Facebook page as well. 

We've had a Twitter page for a while - and have almost 800 followers.

This page will not necessarily be a resource hub - there are plenty of those - but will share some of our work and things that we find interesting, and we'll also be asking some questions. If there are things that you would like us to do on your behalf (we will be adding some thoughts to the latest OFSTED consultation for example.

Click the CONTACT US button on the page to send a message or ask a question and we'll get back to you.

For those who don't know, here's a bit about our work. We've got a page on the main GA website.

The purpose of the Secondary Phase Committee is to support GA members concerned with geography at key stages 3 and 4 and to represent their views and interests.
What we do
Monitor the views, interests, concerns and issues facing secondary geography members of the GA. In addition, monitor the state of health of secondary geography as indicated by data on numbers and assessment evidence.
Initiate ideas for engaging and challenging teaching and learning ideas in the secondary geography classroom.
Disseminate these ideas through workshops at the annual GA Conference, the GA website and occasional articles and contributions to GA publications such as Teaching Geography.
Represent the views, interests, concerns and issues facing secondary geography members of the GA at the GA Education Committee and to external bodies.
Promote geography to teachers, pupils, schools and the wider community as a relevant and exciting subject.
We have led numerous sessions on a variety of themes at the GA Annual Conference and published articles in Teaching Geography on topics such as team teaching, Valuing Places, the geography of crime, using ICT to enrich geography, leading the geography department/self assessment and fieldwork. We have also represented the GA in the QCDA review of the key stage 3 curriculum and published several resources on the GA website.

And here are our current members:

Tanith Ludlam
Emma Johns
Alan Parkinson (secretary)
Judy Gleen
Gary Dawson
Claire Harrington
Stephen Schwab (co-chair)
Paul Hunt (co-chair)
Kathryn Stephenson
Rachel Kay
Paul White
Ryan Bate

We are almost all classroom practitioners, also including consultants to the GA, Head and SLT, teachers near the start of their career and others near the end, authors and resource writers, and with a range of experiences and school contexts, and contributors to GA journals and consultations.

From time to time we recruit new members - we have just been joined by Paul White.


Stephen Schwab. said…

Well said Alan. We are outward facing and happy to share and be shared.
Stephen Schwab. said…
SPC says Teach Climate Change this week, support your students interest.