82 Islands

Fellow OS GetOutside Champion Katie Tunn has revealed her latest expedition. Following previous time spent as a castaway on the 'Eden' programme, and six weeks spent solo on the Shiant Island, she has announced what her new challenge will be, and is already underway with the first few islands.

43062058511_de87cbc17e_kThe inspiration for the expedition was a map of islands larger than 5 square kilometres created by Alasdair Rae and the team at the Ordnance Survey.

This features 82 islands, and Katie's plan is to visit them all. The 2nd biggest should be easy enough to bag as Katie lives there. She outlines her plans on her blog: The New Girl (on Skye)

Katie isn't just going to step on the island and tick it off the list.
She is also going to take part in a few challenges on each island.

Read Katie's blog to find out more about her plans, and also discover more about her amazing art.

Follow here on Instagram for more.

Somewhere I have an excellent book on Scotland's Islands, and will dig it out so that I can see a little more about these places.

One particular aspect of the trip is that it embraces the #LeavenoTrace message - too many places are being damaged by visitors, and even by the Instagram influencers (Justin Bieber in Iceland is a recent example here)

Katie has the support of various organisations including the Ordnance Survey. I look forward to following the journey.
