Amazon Fires Resources - Map

I'm going to be posting a number of resources around the current Amazon fires.
They will definitely be part of my teaching in the first few weeks.

These were mentioned in a recent blogpost, and are a catastrophe if they aren't stopped soon.
This map was made by Bern Szulaski

The boundary is from WWF, as found on ArcGIS Online. MODIS hotspots are from the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World. The basemap is the Firefly basemap, part of the Living Atlas collection. Symbols used to show the hotspots are from the Firefly symbol set. The configurable app used in this example is Media Map.

Remember to always be cautious with any maps or data sets that might be used. Is this an accurate map of fires? How are fires being reported and tracked?
One to consider further, and think critically about.
