Quotidian Geographer project - how to get involved

I have 100 circular pin badges which were beautifully made for me by the company Made by Cooper.
They are taken from a design I put together for a project which I am going to develop around my GA Presidential year. I have become increasingly interested in the quotidian: the everyday, and this is reflected in my main blog: Living Geography.
I am developing a range of projects based around Everyday Geographies 

As part of the Presidential year's outcomes, I am putting together a curriculum document which I am calling a Curriculum Vitae.
This is a KS3 curriculum to take students through from the end of Primary to the start of exam studies.

If you have an idea or a resource for something that should go in there, let me know and you may be eligible for one of the badges.
Details were added to the end of the Webwatch column in the latest GA Magazine and can be read here.

Another batch of badges will go out this week.
