Chris Whitty lecture

I've been working on some writing projects over the Christmas period for the Geographical Association's GEO website: Geography Education Online.

Some of the materials are on the theme of Health.

In November 2020, Professor Chris Whitty, who has been appearing in our living rooms for months sharing some ideas delivered a Gresham College lecture.

The lecture is on the Gresham College website.

A PDF of the Presentation from Chris Whitty and a transcript can also be donwloaded from that page.

Ill health has always been concentrated in particular places; tackling these pockets of ill health is an essential role for public health. These may be driven by environmental factors, demography, deprivation and healthcare provision.

In the UK, the geography of ill health has shifted widely over time and continues to do so. Specific areas have particular health challenges, including coastal towns, rural districts and inner city areas.

This lecture will consider the shifting geography of ill health in the UK and globally, and its implications.
