Help Callum - Landscapes to Lifescapes

I've followed the work of the team at the Serious Games Lab for some time, and their games and videos to help teach the impacts of flooding have developed over time, making use of AR and VR to immerse those who 'play the games' in the potential impacts of flooding. 

They are part of a new exhibition

The videos include one called Help Callum, which explores the impact of flooding on a family home.

Check it out here, and explore the rest of the resources:

Help Callum 360 video tells the true story of a young boy whose house was flooded, using his own words and seeing through his own eyes. This 360 project is a collaboration between the Environment Agency, sociologists at Lancaster University and Energy and Environment Institute, University of Hull. Help Callum is based on the real experiences of a boy the Lancaster team worked with during their ESRC funded research project, Children, Young People and Flooding. The video invites you to see what Callum went through and think how you would help him – and yourself – to be better prepared for flooding. The development of Help Callum was undertaken by Lampada Digital Solutions.
