Oxford GA Branch Lectures - Autumn Term 2021

GA Branch activity was restricted during the last 18 months. Some branches had a programme of online events, others relied more on face to face events, which were not possible.
Keep an eye out for renewed activity in your local branch as meetings become possible again, and see whether you can help out in some way - perhaps by attending a meeting, joining as a member if you are not already a GA member, joining the committee, or perhaps offering to present something relevant and helpful.

OXFORD GA BRANCH LECTURES 2021/2022 Academic Year

Our Lecture programme is aimed towards ALL students taking Geography Post 16 exams and Adult GA Branch members. Some lectures may be appropriate for GCSE students. Some will be at the Schools while others will be on Zoom. To get further details about all Lectures email :
Hugh Stephens (stephensh@stedwardsoxford.org)
For Lecture on 9th November email Rupert Littlewood (rlittlewood@cherwell.oxon.sch.uk)
Paul Baker (Programme Organiser ) (pb3448@gmail.com)

GA Worldwise Quiz will take place at this branch.


September 2021:

Wednesday 29th September 5pm on Zoom Recorded Lecture hosted by St Edwards School - email for the Zoom link.

Professor Hannah Cloke OBE (Reading University)

' Deep Water : the story of a Flood'

Time: Sep 29, 2021 17:00 London

NB. There will be a live Q and A with Professor Cloke following the lecture.

October 2021:

Wednesday 6th 5pm – Olivier Hall, St Edward’s School

Professor Myles Allen (Oxford University)

Wednesday 13th October 5pm - Old Library at St Edward’s School

Isabel Bishop (Earthwatch Europe)

‘Water as a Precious Resource.’

November 2021

Tuesday 9th November 5pm Lecture at Cherwell School

Professor Danny Dorling (Oxford University)

' Levelling up: And how economic change influences patterns of social inequality in places.'

Please contact Rupert Littlewood (Head of Geography at Cherwell School for further details.

Wednesday 24th November 5pm Old Library, St Edwards School .

Alan Parkinson, President 2021/2022 of the Geographical Association

'Finding your place in the World'

(Concepts of Place and identity linked to a variety of Post 16 Geography topics.')

December 2021

Wednesday 1st December 5pm: Olivier Hall, St Edwards School.

Tim Marshall: Leading authority on Geopolitics and foreign affairs with more than twenty-five years of reporting experience. Author of many bestsellers on geo-politics and written for many newspapers and writes the Geopolitics page in the Geographical Magazine.

'The Power of Geography '


The programme of Lectures for Spring Term will be published in October 2021

Thanks to all those who are involved, either organising or presenting.
Happy to publicise other GA Branch programmes here.
