Thanks to Brendan Conway for the tipoff to this site, which provides population estimates and structure for specific small areas in the UK.
🆕 What's the population of your area? Instant #demographic profiles for #LSOAs (Eng+Wales) #DataZones (Scot) mid-2020 using 'Population Builder' by brilliant @olihawkins #demography #COP26 #population #GIS @GIS4Schools @Dav1dM0rgan @Glasgow_Live @madewulf
— BC (@mildthing99) October 31, 2021
Popbulder is a web-app that lets you build a population estimate for a set of small areas in Great Britain. The estimates are for the population in mid-2020.
1. The boundaries appear automatically when the map is zoomed in.
2. Click or tap the areas of interest: the estimated population is shown in the top right.
3. Click or tap “Get data” to see the age-distribution.
4. Turn the boundaries on and off manually using the boundary control in the bottom right.
Created by Oli Hawkins.
Here's the pyramid for my particular part of mid-Norfolk - as you can see it's quite a top heavy population distribution.