GA Birmingham Branch Lecture - 1st of December

I won't be making the long journey across country to Birmingham next Wednesday but will be joining the GA Branch there by Zoom to do a session at the end of the day.

Details of the session are here:

Wednesday 1st December 2021 4-5pm

"A day in the Life: Enquiring into Everyday Geographies in the curriculum"

Teacher talk

Mr Alan Parkinson, CGeog, FRGS, FRSGS

Head of Geography at King's Ely (Junior), author & freelance geography consultant

President, Geographical Association 21-22

RSGS Tivy Medal winner 2013


Alan Parkinson is an inspirational geographer and teacher who is the current President of the Geographical Association. This talk will be of great interest to all Geography teachers whatever their experience of teaching from trainee teachers to teachers of many years. This is a highlight of this year’s talks.

I hope it's a highlight :) 
Looking forward to finding out what I'm going to say. I may just talk about Peppa Pig World...
