GAConf22: Entangled Worlds: Geography and Sustainability - #7 of many

The latest in a series of posts showcasing sessions which are included in the programme for the GA Conference in April 2022.

This session brings together two legends and former GA Presidents to talk about a theme which is important for all key stages: sustainability.

They have a forthcoming book, which is due to be published in April 2022 - the cover of which can be seen here.

This session will explore the essential contribution that geography makes to sustainability education, arguing that a global perspective is fundamental to understanding the current environmental crisis. How can teachers best develop this with pupils and relate it to their everyday lives? Practical suggestions underpinned by theoretical understanding will be woven together as we explore this often confusing and complicated terrain. 

Dr Stephen Scoffham, Visiting Lecturer in Sustainability and Education, Canterbury Christ Church University and Steve Rawlinson, Chair, Primary Geography Editorial Board 



Here are a few reviews of the book to whet your appetite:
Sustainability Education is an engaging and compelling read which deftly weaves together rich understandings from research with suggestions and ideas for practice.
Elizabeth Rushton, Lecturer in Geography Education, King's College London, UK

A superb discussion of the notion of sustainability and the importance of including sustainability education in the primary curriculum, while illustrating how this can be achieved. A pleasure to read and learn from.
Margaret Mackintosh, Former Senior Lecturer, Primary B.Ed. University of Plymouth, UK

The key to tackling any challenge is first to understand it, and perhaps the greatest challenge we face is climate change. So how we approach sustainability education for a younger generation is absolutely vital. This book goes beyond the important discussion of wider issues, to focus on the role of education in sustainability and navigating its complexities. It also sets out practical approaches for educators who are on the front line of helping future generations understand the challenges of the planet they are inheriting. It is an important contribution to an increasingly vital area in education.
The Right Honourable Justine Greening, Former Secretary of State for Education, England
