GAConf22: Teacher to Teacher: The use of Artificial Intelligence in Geography - #89 of many

The latest in a series of posts showcasing sessions which are included in the programme for the GA Conference in April 2022.

“It is presented as this ethereal and objective way of making decisions, something that we can plug into everything from teaching kids to deciding who gets bail. But the name is deceptive.

AI is neither artificial nor intelligent.”

Kate Crawford, Microsoft

The use of artificial intelligence in geography

This session will suggest how geography teaching could benefit from the adoption of artificial intelligence solutions. Some examples include automated assessment tools, the customisation of teaching materials and suggestions for personalised variations in the geography curriculum.

Dr Emma Abbate, Full tenured IGCSE Geography teacher and teachers trainer at L’Orientale University, Naples

I have been involved in an ERASMUS project which includes an element of AI in the final stages. The materials are appearing here.

It must be remembered that this is technology that is still relatively niche.

I remember seeing a demonstration at a previous ESRI UK User Conference, and the camera was identifying objects that it had learned and wasn't always clear what was a human and what wasn't... plans for self-driving cars are perhaps a little premature.

Image: Ai by Adrien Coquet from
