
I was pleased to host GeogChat tonight to discuss the potential impact of the pandemic on our teaching and how we can support each other through the enforced changes it has brought about, and against a backdrop of tragedy and disruption which shouldn't be taken for granted. We have all achieved something remarkable.

This is a weekly Wednesday chat for geography teachers at 7.30pm - follow the conversation with the hashtag #geogchat. The host varies from week to week.

Regular readers of this blog will know I've been keeping track of ideas in the area of post pandemic geographies since early 2020.

The themes we discussed were the pandemic and how it may have impacted on what and how we teach, the narrative of 'catch-up' and a little sharing of resources.

A few sample tweets on the related theme:

Check it out here.

Here were the questions I asked - 3 questions - 7.30 - 8.00 at 10 minute intervals.

1. What adaptations have you made to curriculum content, sequencing or delivery since the first lockdown in March 2020? What were the main drivers of those adaptations?

2. How significant has the narrative of ‘catch up' been in your planning for 2021-22 and beyond? Has it influenced recent assessments in geography? 

3. Let’s help each other - for the final stage of tonight’s chat - is there something that would be particularly useful to support you through your planned curriculum changes, and any resources you’ve found helpful? 

Thanks to all those who came along and took part in the dicussion.

I will be hosting GeogChat again in April on my conference theme of 'Everyday Geographies'.
