I'm pleased to be offering a contribution to the next offering of GeogLive! from the GA's Early Years and Primary Phase Committee.
You can log into it using the Eventbrite page here.
This session will explore the relationship between our everyday experiences and the primary geography curriculum.About this event
Join us for this two part session on 'Everyday Geographies: making primary curriculum connections.
Part 1: How can what we see from our window connect to the world ? How can Europe's green canopy, its precious forests, give us some (different) perspectives on a region now in the news everyday? This short talk will feature a case study of how some teachers taught about Europe's largest forest, the Primeval forest of Białowieża on the border between Poland and Belarus. Find out more
Part 2: This session will explore the relationship between our everyday experiences and the primary geography curriculum. How can engaging with 'the everyday' help students to connect their lives with the discipline, give them agency and develop the ability to 'think like a geographer'? Alan will explore the origins of his Presidential theme and share some of his own school's curriculum planning.
Chaired by Julia Tanner @EYPPC_GA committee, @The_GA
This free webinar will support conversations about 'Everyday Geographies: making primary curriculum connections.
This webinar will conclude with a Q+A and some information about the extensive support the Geographical Association offers: high-quality classroom resources, inspirational teaching ideas, Subject Leader guidance, excellent continuing professional development events, and stimulating networking opportunities, reflecting OFSTED’s recent recommendation that teachers draw on "subject-specific support and professional networks ‘ (Ofsted, 2021).