Paris, Barcelona and the 15-minute city concept

I am doing some work on an ERASMUS funded project which is called D3: Developing Digital Data Literacy.

We have launched a website which holds the teacher training course. We'd love some feedback from you. 

Head there now and take a look at what we've created. 

We would love you to get involved in some follow up work.

One of the outcomes is a unit of work which explores the importance of digital data in everyday life, a training course for teachers, problem solving resources and a toolkit of tools and approaches to help access Open Data and use it for digital citizenship. 

Barcelona's City Mayor is Ada Colau. She is also a fan of the concept.

Not everyone is in agreement. This article suggests it has turned the city into one of 'blight' rather than 'light'.

Image: Paris from above, Alan Parkinson - shared under CC license
