The hottest places to live #2

I've previously shared a link during the heat of earlier in the week, which may well return before summer is out.

This BBC article looks at people living in the hottest parts of the country.

This is defined by a data set which is called the Heat Hazard Score.

This could make a useful secondary data set for an NEA.

I will also refer to this when we start back for the new academic year.

Enter a postcode to get a score. I put in my school postcode first, and got a score of 2.

The website also tells you the heatwave threshold for each postcode.

For East Cambridgeshire, this is when temperatures in the postcode area hit 28°C or higher for three consecutive days.

Use Google Street View to explore locations which have a score of 4 or 5 to see what their characteristics are.

This article has an interview with Richard Flemmings, the CTO of 4 Earth Intelligence, who captured the data and created this layer.

Also explore the impacts of heat on transport with this ESRI StoryMap made by the UK team along with the Met Office.
