Geographies of Wellbeing and Hope

An interesting sounding seminar here.

Three speakers:

1. ‘Educating the imagination through immersive experiences’ - Professor Jessica Pykett. 
This talk will draw on the ESRC centre for sociodigital futures, which is about the role of immersive experiences in educating the imagination. It will focus particularly on the emotional aspects of this. Jessica is a social and political geographer at the university of Birmingham.

Searle, B., Pykett, J. and and Jesus Alfaro-Simmonds, M. (2021) chapter 1 ‘Introduction to wellbeing research’ in Searle, B. A. et al eds (2021) A modern guide to wellbeing research. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.

2. ‘Hopeful Geography- a work in progress?’ - David Alcock. 
This talk will draw on David’s ongoing doctoral research, which explores teacher and student conceptions of human ‘progress’ in school geography. David has a long-standing interest in the levels of hope and optimism portrayed and fostered in the geography curriculum, when studying development, in particular. David teaches geography at a school in Yorkshire and is a doctoral student at UCL-IOE.

3. ‘Eco-Capabilities’ - Professor Nicola Walshe. 
This brief talk will draw on the AHRC-funded Eco-Capabilities research project, which explores how arts-in-nature practice can develop children and young people’s connection with nature, their wellbeing and their capabilities for living a flourishing and sustainable lifestyle. 
Nicola is Pro-Director of Education at IOE, Executive Director of the UCL Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Education, and a former geography teacher.

Walshe, N. and Perry, J. (2022). Transformative geography education: developing eco-capabilities for a flourishing and sustainable future. Teaching Geography, 47(3), 94-97.

A reading list for Eco-Capabilities can be found here
