Keeping LivingGeography alive...

The Feedburner widget which I used to have to send a newsletter to those who subscribed to LivingGeography stopped working earlier in the year. I have over 1500 subscribers to the blog, and they now face losing out on their daily dose of geography goodness.

Please add the site to any RSS Reader app that you use if you want to continue receiving your regular updates on geography stories, resources, books etc. 

This may become more important with the rumours around the future status of Twitter.

If you click on my profile at the top of the right hand column on the blog you can also see details of all the other blogs I've created, although not all of them are currently active any more, and some are due to become active in 2023. 

I asked whether anyone knew of an alternative to Feebdurner for Blogger blogs, but I haven't found anything yet. Ben Hennig contributed this suggestion:

Feedly is a news feed aggregator and is available as an app. 
