Societies to join...

There are a few weird and wonderful societies which might be of interest to geographers and may be worth joining. Each of them has a focus on one feature of the landscape which (in some cases) you might not have noticed. 

Whatever the feature there will always be some people who take a particular interest in them, whether that is manhole covers or pavement utility markings.

The RSPBGS is the Royal Society for the Preservation of Boring Grid Squares.

Run by MapFodder.

I'm also a member of the Telegraph Pole Appreciation Society

I'm a life member of the Telegraph Pole Appreciation Society.

You can also buy a book which is a guide to appreciating poles, suitable for teachers.

A more obvious one is the Cloud Appreciation Society.

There are various membership options and some good products in the the shop.

This has been around for some time now, and I am member #719.

I went to the first Cloud Appreciation Society conference as well, which was held at the Royal Geographical Society and featured music, art and science.

Please let me know if you know of other suitable societies...
