Government's Plan ... not so cunning?

This summer has seen a number of extreme weather events which have been notable for their scale and impact. 

A large part of the Northern Hemisphere has seen extreme heat.

The National Adaptation Programme is produced by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), which is required by law to produce a plan every five years.

From a quick scan it's clear the urgency of the problem is still not sinking in...
We do not have time to wait unitl 2050 to do things... we can't assume things will only happen 'by the end of the century'.

The report also seems to neglect a couple of key things: 
a) Food supply and insecurity
b) Impacts of heat on transport infrastructure and on city life in general
c) The unequal impacts of the heat, and not just in other parts of the world but in the UK ats well

Plenty more to come on this...
