Fair about Farming

A good initiative from Riverford Organics. 

Almost half (49%) of British fruit and veg farmers fear they will go out of business within the next 12 months. 75% report that supermarket behaviour is a leading factor.* Farmers live with constant uncertainty; never knowing what they will be paid or when, how much of a crop will be bought, or whether it will be rejected altogether.

Riverford are farmers ourselves, so we know this first-hand. And after years of being treated badly by supermarkets, we found a way to do things better. Over the last 35 years, we've created a revolutionary supply chain for our veg boxes that is transparent and fair to all.

Now we want all UK farmers to enjoy the same conditions we do. That's why we're encouraging major supermarkets to commit to the principles enshrined in our Fair to Farmers Charter, and get fair about farming.
