GA Conference 2024 - Train strike news...

I'm afraid to say I won't be at the GA Conference this year. 

I shall miss out on it for the first time in many years due to the train strikes affecting the tickets I booked months ago. 

I'm sorry not to be there for Denise Freeman's Presidential lecture, and catching up with the whole geography community, and also a chance to congratulate Steve Brace in person for his recent appointment as Chief Executive of the GA.

I'd prepared a session on Jay Owens' book 'Dust' for the Geography Book Club session on Thursday. 

It was going to be a good session, with support from Jay.

The presentation slides that I created are worth a look, as is the book. Please check them out below and take a look at the book - due out in paperback, and also on Audible. If you are a Spotify subscriber, you can also listen to the book there.

See the presentation slides here.

I was also due to do a session called 'Wake up and smell the Geography' on the Friday morning. This will not be happening... which at least means there'll be more people in the other sessions that morning. Here's the title slide at least. Looks good doesn't it...

I'm particularly disappointed to miss the Troll Geography session from Sharon Witt, Helen Clarke and Colin Walker.

If you highlighted my sessions as ones to attend, you can now unhighlight them - sorry for giving you another decision to make now about where to go instead.

You can catch my session in another way: on the 12th of April, as I'd signed up already to be part of GeoNight by repeating my session for those who couldn't make it to the conference.

The international "Night of Geography", promoted by EUGEO and IGU, will be held on April 5th and 12th 2024. The GeoNight is an initiative proposed for the first time by the CNFG (French National Geographical Committee) at a National scale in 2017. From 2018 onwards, the initiative has expanded internationally, first in Europe, thanks to EUGEO, and then even beyond, thanks to the IGU.

This is a version of my GA Conference presentation with a few extras linked to the idea of everynight geographies.

Join me online for a live talk at 7pm on the 12th of April - a week after I would have been in Manchester.

I'll see you all in 2025.... save the gossip until then...
Here are the details:

Thanks for all the messages in response to my absence....
