Iceland Trip - March 2024

I'm recently back from a trip to Iceland with 50 students, which was rather good.

We had a lot of highlights, including:

- The Lava Show down by the harbour (a new one for me) - where lava is poured into the room - melted from rock collected near Vik - models how lava behaves...

- Raufarholshellir - a lava tunnel which is almost 4km long and shows the layers in the sides as the lava drained from the tunnel and is currently full of ice pinnacles created during the winter - a look at some images from a group about a week later suggested they had mostly melted away.

- Grábrok - a row of craters from an eruption 3000 years ago - with a view towards a lovely snow capped peak called Baula - a new one for me

- Hraunfossar - a line of low waterfalls flowing out from a lava flow, with lovely blue colours to the water

Images: top to bottom

- Solheimajökull glacier

- Hraunfossar

- On the road in Thingvellir National Park

- Gullfoss detail

A Flickr album of over 450 photos is available here.

Of course, the main highlight was that the Reykjanes peninsula came back to life while we were there.

The eruption started on the Saturday night.

It is known as the Sundhnukagigar eruption.

More to come...
