A casualty of the early election?

A cross posting from my GCSE Natural History blog, which now has over 300 posts in preparation for supporting teachers if and when it appears as an option.

Earlier today, this diagram was shared on Twitter, which looks from the formatting to be a panel from a recent copy of the i newspaper.

It shows the Government policies that were announced, but never came to fruition because of the early call for a General Election. 
Some of these were not the result of the 4th of July call, but the civil servants who would have been working on preparing all the documentation for the consultation that is needed in order for the next stage of the qualification's development ahead of a possible 2025 start will no longer be working due to purdah. This means that the relevant steps to progress have not been taken. 

Is it the end for the qualification? 

Will the new Government continue to develop the project? 

It's unlikely to be earlier than 2026 before it will be taught for the first time?

We'll find out more after the Election I guess....
