The Ordnancc Survey has been collecting vernacular place names.
It has produced an additional set of information on its mapping database which includes 9000 names which local people use to describe places which may have a more official name. This is to help locate people whose problem may occur in a location which they know by a vernacular name...
The Guardian has an article on the work.
The data layer produced is called the VNT or Vernacular Names Tool. This article explains more.
The database, hosted in the OS National Geographic Database, is a replacement for FINTAN, a mapping tool created more than ten years ago in response to a request from HM Coastguard. It was created in partnership with OS and was designed to allow users to upload any local name, alternative name or nickname for a coastal feature alongside the accurate location or existing geographic name in the mapping database. These include cliffs, caves, sandbanks, coastal car parks and buildings to name a few. This ensured that HM Coastguard responders could get to emergencies – however their location was described – with much greater confidence and speed.On a visit to the OS HQ, the Princess Royal added her own alternative name to the database.