Swiss Earthquake Simulator

A new Earthquake Simulation and Prevention Centre (CPPS) has opened in Sion, Switzerland. Sounds like it might be worth a visit if you are in the area.

The aim of the centre, which is open to the public on Saturdays from 9 am-5 pm and to organised groups from 9 am – 5 pm Monday to Saturday, is to train people in how to react if caught in a significant earthquake. The showpiece of the centre is the earthquake simulator, which was recently developed by the University of Applied Sciences HES-SO in western Switzerland and the London-based design studio INK. The simulator, which is the first of its kind, makes it possible to feel and experience the different characteristics of an earthquake through the use of a giant moving platform (shake table) and three large screens that surround and immerse the viewers.

The website links through to the main Swiss Natural Hazards portal. Although no disasters are entirely natural of course.
