Stepping back from Twitter

I've spent years carefully cultivating my Twitter network since I joined in April 2008. I helped persuade the GA to have an account when I started working there in September 2008 (they joined in December that year). It was February 2009 before the RGS started their account. For the first decade and more my tweets were protected, and every person who wanted to follow me was checked - were they a) real and b) interested in geography? If not, they couldn't see my tweets.

When I became GA President I opened up my account so that my work would be visible to a larger audience.

Recent changes in the platform have not been conducive to a positive atmosphere... too much that I'm not interested in, and which is increasingly offensive, appears in my feed, and the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk has not been a positive one to say the least. The events of the last week have been the last straw. 

It may be that this will improve, but until it does, I'm off. 

I'm not going to lose touch with the 8000+ people I've linked with, but I will be posting my thoughts and finds here instead - which of course I've been doing all that time anyway. Check back regularly.

I've also been considering a Substack newsletter with free and paid for versions (the paid for version would only be to cover my costs and be a small amount, and this would enable a newsletter, which I haven't had since Blogger deactivated the link with Feedburner which worked excellently. 

Nobody has yet discovered a replacement for this that works somoothly with Blogger. I registered my Substack space with the same name: @livinggeography last year, but am unsure as to the best way to use it. If you have any thoughts on that, let me know.

If this is your first visit to this blog, where have you been? There are over 12 000 posts which can be searched using the box top left. Welcome.

I'm on LinkedIn too... - connect with me there

And Threads. - follow me there too
