Another Wednesday means it's time for another Worldly Wednesday - the final one of the year.
I started the day with a Zoom call about a possible curriculum making project. This has the potential to be very exciting, and occupy a lot of my time in the next year. I can't say more than that. These are exactly the sorts of projects that I would like to do more of, but I also want to remain teaching. It's very important to be able to practice what I preach. The decision to move from one to the other full time is an important one that is still to come.
This was followed by a number of meetings linked to a project with Cornwall County Council on behalf of the Geographical Association. There's an exciting new resource coming out in 2025, and I'm working on some education materials. There's a lot of iterations here, and each thing I create will be saved to be re-purposed for later.
Then there were some edits of a writing project: a 2nd draft of a chapter for an international project, and some other thinking and reading for another personal writing project.