Norman Graves: a special birthday

As part of my GA Presidential journey, I created a blog which features a biography of every President of the Geographical Association.

The GA President in 1978 was Professor Norman Graves.

Norman told me in an e-mail back in 2020 that: "I am conscious that the year of your birth, 1963, was the year I arrived at the Institute of Education to head the Geography Department."

I had a message earlier from his daughter via the blog:

"Norman is celebrating his 100th Birthday on 28th January 2025.

For those that might want to wish him well, please contact me on:
We are holding a celebratory lunch for him at a local hotel and are expecting quite a crowd. He is an exceptional man, and I am more than proud of him."

I am sure there will be many people who may wish to congratulate him. Please forward this message to those who may have known him or, like me, were influenced by his work or used his books when they were at school.

All your messages will be passed on to Norman.
